Migration to Lotus Notes

     This program allows QuickMail users to migrate their Mail Folders including Attachments, Personal Address Books and Personal Address Groups to Lotus Notes
     The program migrates both QuickMail PRO and QuickMail LAN versions
     It supports both MAC and PC platforms
      The program, QMNotes.exe, (the "Migrator" Program) is intended to be used by an administrator responsible for the migration
     The following network environment should be setup:
A shared ("root") sub-directory should be created which can be accessed by all QuickMail users;
under this root directory, create a "UserID" sub-directory for each user (you can use either their short name or full name as the sub-directory’s name);
each user should have write access to their sub-directory to copy their Mail Folders, Personal Address Books and Personal Address Groups;
the administrator’s workstation requires read access to the root and all sub-directories;
the administrator’s workstation should have "Manager" rights to all the Mail database files for the migrated users
      QuickMail users ready for migration should copy their mail folders into a sub-directory named:
      ..\<user id>
      on a server accessible by the administrator's workstation
      The administrator starts the program and selects all or some of the QuickMail users for migration
      The Migrator reads each user’s Mail Folders and files. It converts the data into an intermediate migration files (PRI and SEC). These files are read by LotusAgent.DLL supplied with the program to import data to Notes user’s Mail database file.
      When the program runs, a set of log and error files are generated. The log files are in a tab-delimited format. The logs can be read using a text editor, but are best viewed in a spreadsheet. The error files are written in plain text, not tab-delimited
      QuickMail Address Books and Distribution Lists will be converted to QM_PAB.NSF (Notes Personal Address Book file) and sent to user’s Inbox

 Preparing for Migration
     Mail Folders, Personal Address Books (PAB), Personal Address Groups(PAG):
QuickMail Folders are stored as PC/Mac sub-directories
PABs and PAGs are stored as files
      For example Quick Mail PRO stores all the files in a QMail sub-directory:
      All files and sub-directories from the QMail sub-directory should be copied to the <UserId> sub-directory described in the Overview above
      MAC Users can copy the files using our MRU utility program. This program runs on the MAC platform. It copies a source directory and renames all sub-directories and files (if necessary) to ensure that only valid WIN32 characters are used in the destination directory

 Program Description
     The program is written in Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 and can run on Win95 or NT platforms. The program is called QMNotes.exe. It invokes a series of wizard like screens. The following pages describe each form
     Startup Screen
     Optional User Names File
     This field points to a text file, which consists of a list of user names. If the file is not supplied, you can manually enter User IDs on the second screen
     To find a name, click on a user’s entry in the Address Book and check the "User name" or "Short name and/or Internet addresses" fields
     Note: user names do not have to be case sensitive
     QuickMail Folders Drive and Path
      Specifies the drive and path of the root sub-directory described in the Overview above
      For example:
Q:\QmailMig\UserData Select this sub-directory
. . .
Q:\QmailMig\UserData\RGens\My Filed Mail\
. . .

     PRO Version and LAN Version option buttons
      Click the version from which the QuickMail users are migrating
     Notes Server
      Location of Intermediate Files
Specifies the drive and path of a sub-directory where the intermediate migration files (.PRI and .SEC) created during migration will be stored
      Domino Server name
Enter the name of the Notes Domino server
     Log Files Drive and Path
     Use the Browse button to select the Logfiles Drive and Path where the file(s) will be created
          1) A log file is created which summarizes the activity performed during a run. The file’s name is MIGRATOR.LOG.It is a TAB-delimited text file which can be read by a text editor but is best viewed in a spreadsheet. You may choose to re-run a migration for a particular user (i.e.: user has new mail they want migrated). New information from each run is appended to the file if it already exists. A title is generated at run-time to differentiate new data apart from previous runs. The log describes each user’s migration under the headings:
"Migrated User's Name"
"Date & Time Migrated"
"Total # Folders"
"Total # Items"
          2)During a particular user’s migration, any warnings or errors encountered will be written to a text file. This file is written in plain text and is not TAB-delimited. The file’s name is "<User Id> .Error". You may choose to re-run a migration for a particular user (i.e.: user has new mail they want migrated). New information from each run is appended to the file if it already exists. A title is generated at run-time to differentiate new data apart from previous runs
     Each warning/error specifies the:
Folder Name
Mail item’s filename and a description of the problem
          3)The two check boxes can be used to specify more logging files. If enabled (by clicking on the checkbox), each migrated user will have a log file created for them. These logs are overwritten if they already exist. Both of these log files will have a file name of with the following extensions:
FolderLog for Folder Logs
MailLog for Mail Item Logs
     Folder Logs - generates a summary for each folder under the headings: "Folder Name", "Size", "Mail" (# of mail items in the folder) and "Date & Time Migrated"
     Mail Item Logs - generates detailed information for each mail item under the headings: "Folder Name", "Sender", "Date", "Time", "Msg Size", "# lines", "Date & Time Migrated" and "Subject "

 Password Prompt
     Clicking the "Next" button will initialize a session with Notes and you will be prompted to supply your password:
     TA test database file QM_PAB.NSF is created in the intermediate files sub-directory. Once the password has been validated, the file is deleted.

 User Input Screen
     This screen displays the contents of the User Names File (if specified on the startup screen). The list box will be blank if no file was specified.
     To edit this list, highlight a name. It will be displayed in the text box below. The text box can be edited:
Replace: updates the selected Mail file
Add: inserts a new Mail file
Delete:remove multiple selected entries
     The edits are for run-time use only and do not update the file on disk

  User Selection Screen
     This screen allows the administrator to select a subset of users for the current migration batch. The single arrows move highlighted names. Double arrows move all

  Migration Status Screen
     This screen displays the migration progress for each selected user
     After the program finishes extracting QuickMail information into intermediate migration files for each user, Import component (LotusAgent.DLL) will be invoked
     Import progress windows will appear:
     The user’s PAB and PAG are converted into a QM_PAB.NSF database in the intermediate files sub-directory. Once the user’s migration has finished, the file is deleted
     When the import component finishes, the next user’s data is extracted
     When all the selected users have been migrated, the screen will be changed